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Business Licenses

Anyone doing business within the City of New Hope is required to obtain a business license.  Business License are issued annually and expire December 31st of each year.  License are due to be renewed January 1st of each year and are considered delinquent on February 1st, at that time penalties and interest will apply.

If any of the following apply to your business, you must obtain a business license:

  • Business has a physical presence in New Hope.
  • Sales reps or employees solicit business in New Hope.
  • Deliveries made in to New Hope via company owned or leased vehicles.
  • You lease or rent out personal property for income (houses, mobile homes, etc) in New Hope.
  • Construction, installation, maintenance or repair services performed in New Hope.
  • Operating a home-based business  home based business instructions

In order to obtain a Business License from the City of New Hope you must:

  • For a Business License Application please email the clerk at
  • A home-based business must come before the Zoning Board of Adjustments before a license can be issued.   Home based business request form FILLABLE
  • Present payment by cash, check, money order or Visa/MasterCard/Discover card (convenience fee of 4.5% fee will apply to each card transaction)
  • Have proof of other required documentation, if applicable:


  • Copy of State Board Certification Card (if applicable)
  • Copy of certificate of liability insurance (with City of New Hope listed as the holder):

City of New Hope
5484 Main Drive
New Hope, AL 35760

(selling alcohol / beer / wine)

  • Copy of County Health Department permit
  • Copy of ABC permit

If you are applying for license to sell alcohol / beer / or wine for the first time, you will have to have to go before the City Council and request permission in order to do so before a license can be issued

(Barber/Beauty Shops, Tanning/Nail Salons or Piercing/Tattoo Parlors, etc.)

  • Copy of State Board Certification
  • Copy of County Health Department permit

Current Business License Fees List

List of Current Business Licenses Sold

Please contact Lacy Smith, License Clerk at 256-723-9225 or by email at: for further questions regarding Business Licenses in the City of New Hope.